So what really is so special about handmade?

Mass production means bulk buying and this forces the lowering of prices down the line, mainly in the production of raw materials. Lower production costs ensure that the large-scale companies can make more profit while selling, at what first appears to be, a low price – a bargain price.

Handmade is forever not for just now

Mass production means bulk buying and this forces the lowering of prices down the line, mainly in the production of raw materials.

Handmade Gifts Provide A Feel-Good Vibe

Each handmade piece of work is as unique as each person in the world… and there’s no need for an upgrade if it’s already perfect.

Buying handmade is the real thing

Mass production is now turning to small crafters for help. High Street shops want their product to replicate the handmade feel, but it’s a fake. It’s not the real McCoy!

Buying handmade supports local people

Buy handmade from local people and the revenue stays within the country, taxes are paid, money is generated and the overall impact on our economy is huge.

Buying handmade keeps craft skills alive

We are facing lost skills, the demise of handcrafts, and a real loss of our cultural identity. Buying handmade ensures traditional craft skills are kept alive and creates a demand for education in these skills.

Buying handmade celebrates who we are

Each handmade item is about people, not machines. It’s about the skill of each maker and the magic of their imagination.
Handmade Gifts by Hivedeco

Do you agree with all of Tash’s points – we’d love to hear about why buying handmade is important from you, so please add a comment! Thank you 🙂

This post was kindly written for Folksy by Tash Goswami of Blethering Crafts. Blethering Crafts has regular interviews with interesting artists and makers from all over the world.