What used to be known as a simple, fun activity for kids has evolved into a valuable practice for promoting mental well-being. According to an article by Mayo Clinic Health System, coloring has witnessed a surge in popularity, especially among adults.

While children’s coloring books often showcase cartoon figures and straightforward illustrations, adult coloring books offer a plethora of intricate designs, including detailed flowers, artwork, mandalas, grayscale compositions, and various animals. Books are available for purchase, and you can also access free printable coloring pages online.

But what exactly has contributed to the widespread appeal of adult coloring?

Boosting Health Through Coloring by:

Cultivating Mindfulness

Coloring can support the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness involves cultivating the ability to concentrate and remain fully present.

For instance, when you engage in coloring, your attention is entirely dedicated to selecting colors and staying within the lines, anchoring you in the present moment. It provides an opportunity to tune out the distractions and immerse your mind in the actions, sensations, and emotions of the here and now.

During this process, aim to be nonjudgmental, allowing yourself to proceed without preconceived notions—simply savoring the present moment. If your thoughts happen to wander, a common occurrence, gently guide your focus back to your current experience. Coloring stimulates the cognitive functions that support focus and concentration, enabling you to disconnect from stressful thoughts.

Stress Alleviation

Coloring offers a wholesome method to alleviate stress, soothing the mind and promoting bodily relaxation. This, in turn, can enhance your sleep quality and alleviate fatigue while reducing physical discomfort, heart rate, respiration rate, and feelings of depression and anxiety.

While coloring may not serve as a comprehensive remedy for stress and anxiety, dedicating time to an extended coloring session can yield significant benefits. As you immerse yourself in coloring, pay close attention to your breathing pattern, ensuring it remains steady and full, originating from your diaphragm. Additionally, periodically check in with your heart rate if possible.

Embracing Imperfection

Coloring has no strict rules or a specific way it should be done. It’s a non-competitive and pressure-free activity where there’s no need to strive for improvement, win awards, or race against time. You can choose to color for as long or as briefly as you like, and there’s no requirement to complete an entire picture in one session.

It’s beneficial to release any preconceived judgments or expectations and embrace the pure pleasure of coloring. Whether your artwork is tidy or a bit disheveled is inconsequential. The primary focus should be on finding delight and relaxation in the act of coloring.

Source: Mayo Clinic Health System. Article posted by: Joel Bobby, L.I.C.S.W. 

Join the Journey

Purchase “MesmerEYES Coloring Journey for Relaxation“, “Gnomesney“, or “Celeb-Gnomes” today and unlock the countless benefits of this artistic practice.